The peduncle on the Hoya heuschkeliana cutting decided to plump up when i was rooting it. I thought it would blast but it decided to go ahead and bloom. It smells like butterscotch to me, especially at night. The scent seems very similar to Hoya DS-70. It is very tiny but cute. It was one of the cutting received in the David Liddle order.
Thought I would show was was blooming or almost blooming today. Starting at the top: Hoya bella, Hoya lacunosa, Hoya shepherdii and Hoya carnosa (soon).
Well Hoya shepherdii made it to bloom finally. Not sure if the last 2 buds will open, they seem to be taking their time. Its a nice scent and starting to become a fast grower also.
Minibelle was busy doing its thing this year. I counted 11 blooms this year. Needless to say, the bedroom is quite fragrant at night. This is one easy bloomer. Wish they all were!