Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hoya carnosa Peduncle

A little close up pic of the peduncle starting on my H. carnosa. Its the first one!


roybe said...

It's always exciting when you see your first peduncle on a plant Sandy. people always say Carnosa are common, but thats the reason why, they are quite beautiful.

roybe said...

It's always exciting when you see your first peduncle on a plant Sandy. people always say Carnosa are common, but thats the reason why, they are quite beautiful.

Sandy said...

Yes i cant wait for it to bloom.....i have 2 peduncles actually on the same vine....I wish the plain green carnosa was a common plant to get here but unfortunately its not...heres hoping they make it to blooming stage!

Diane said...

Which Carnosa is it? I assume it's Krimson Princess but..... I can't tell from the photo!

Good job on the flower buds:-)

Sandy said...

HI Diane,

Its a plain green carnosa...well the peduncles are as you see them still.....small!...I am hoping in the spring they might do something.....