Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Carnosa Peduncle Plumping Up!

Back in Sept. 06, my Carnosa decided to get a few peduncles. Of course, all winter long, things have been dormant. Now the days are getting a wee bit longer and I see this little guy getting bigger! The wait begins and I hope I don't jinx it by taking a pic of it before its done anything!

I added two more pics to this post today (Feb. 27, 2007) and its getting closer to open - its a waiting game now.
Well carnosa finally started opening its bloom last night and this morning, was all open. I don't detect a smell. My nose must be shot! Its one lovely flower.


Anonymous said...

Sandy, you are giving me some hope here to see my carnosa blooming :-)
I also had couple of peduncles at the end of last year. Well, we'll see...

Sandy said...

Yeah i was shocked to see it getting bigger, I thought maybe not until later spring....I hope it continues to grow...crossing fingers and thumbs!

Hilary said...

Doesn't it seem to take AGES for these things to get full and open? My publicalyx peduncles are growing fast but I reckon it's still going to be another few weeks to see if I'm lucky enough to get flowers! Can't wait to see your flowers...

EpiForums said...

Congratulations on the bloom! it looks gorgeous.