Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hoya DS-70

Happy New Year and its been awhile since I posted anything but now the DS-70 started to open up its bloom today. I thought i better take advantage of some sun and take a pic of it! I can't smell any scent and here I thought I would smell like butterscotch like I have read about it. Maybe tonight it will decide to be more fragrant. I have 3 more peduncles coming on this plant. I find its a very dependable and maintenance free hoya. A must have in a collection.


roybe said...

Hi Sandy, happy new year to you and your family. Its nice to see you have some blooms. I've seen a few references to DS 70 it looks a little like H. tsangii. I'm never quite sure why they continue to have nunbers and not names. Is it because there is some dispute about its origins?


Hilary said...

I believe that DS-70 was named tsangii by CB and then in fact found it was a misidentification so renamed DS-70. Confusing, huh?

I believe that hoyas (and probably other plants too), when they are discovered, are given a number to reference them by, usually a couple of letters to identify the collector followed by the number in order of when they were collected.

Anyway, it's very pretty and I hope that the rest of the plant flowers for you. How old is the plant and does it smell at all?

Sandy said...

Yeah those numbered hoyas can be confusing!....Yes CB has quite a bit of info regarding DS-70 and DS-128 on her forum...DS-70 smells a bit like butterscotch with a trace of something nasty laced in with it..couldnt they all smell like roses?! Anyway, yes its a very nice and fun plant to grow...I received it from a good trader in Ottawa, Canada that sent me the plant in a 6 inch pot...Its been a good grower through the winter by my bedroom the summer, i will put it outside and hang it under my awning..

Anonymous said...

HI...actually, DS-70 was the assencion number in the collection of David Silberman (Silverman?) who was President of HSI. CB published it as H. tsangii, then RDK published it as H. burtonii and then everyone agreed it was really H. sp. DS-70 because something was wrong with the two publications (it is NOT H. tsangii). When will it end.?
